Here is a video taken down the stairs of the upper tram terminal and the new restaurant. Take a look at some of the new accessibility features of the new restaurant building, the new restrooms and a view of where the proposed Mountain Coaster will be located.
Guy Jackson, chief engineer, says “we have restrooms upstairs in the restaurant but now we will also have them downstairs just behind where we are standing. These restrooms can be accessed from the elevator above and then there will be a decking built to connect the brick platform of the restrooms and the decking of these stairs.” These changes will make the restrooms wheelchair accessible and also accessible to hikers, skiers and mountain users during the hours that the restaurant is not open.
Additionally, the proposed mountain coaster will be off to the right about 50 yards from where we are standing. There will also be accessible access from these steps to the mountain coaster so everyone has a chance to enjoy it. When the proposed mountain coaster is approved, it will run year round.